Meet our Horses
Boomer is a 18 year old registered Appaloosa. His broad stature and fluid, rhythmical movement (from his Arabian bloodlines) make him the perfect horse for many of our adult and physically challenged participants. Boomer’s friendly personality will have you falling for him in no time.
Holly is a 25-year-young Quarter Horse mare. She spent most of her years barrel racing, pole bending, reining, and has even sorted a cow or two. Holly spends her time now taking her pee-wee rider to local shows to teach her the ropes. She has been a huge asset to our team in both OT programming and for our Adaptive Riding participants. She will draw you in with her beauty and her willingness to please!
Mac is a 16 year old registered Appaloosa gelding. He has been showing Western Pleasure at the local and state level since he was 3 years old. He now sports both English and Western attire for all levels of riders and is a good teacher of self awareness with his responsiveness to participants. Mac loves attention and will endear you with his expressive personality.
Reese is a 22 year old pinto pony that spent many years as a 4-H pony in gaming shows and horse camps. She is a great size for many of our OT participants, as well as a trusty horse off-lead for those learning to ride independently. Reese is a sweet girl with a pinch of sass!